CNS tumor
Research into childhood brain tumors atRigshospitalet and Aarhus University Hospital

5C research projects
Melatonin secretion during puberty - A systematic review
As part of the project "Sleep hormones in healthy children - reference material for the treatment of sleep disorders in children with CNS tumours", a systematic review on melatonin concentrations in children and adolescents has been written.
Supervisor / Partners
Christian Corfitz Andersen, Medical Student, Scholar
René Mathiasen, Poul Jørgen Jennum, Nanette Marinette Monique Debes
Paediatric Oncology Laboratory, Rigshospitalet-Blegdamsvej.
Danish Centre for Sleep Medicine, Neurophysiology Clinic, Rigshospitalet-Glostrup.
Contact information
Visual impairment in children with primary brain tumours
The aim of the study is to investigate the diagnostic and prognostic significance of visual impairment as a symptom and/or clinical finding among paediatric patients diagnosed with brain tumours.
Supervisor / Partners
Caroline Sophie Kleis Schmidt, Medical Student, Scholar
Sarah Linea von Holstein, Kjeld Schmiegelow, René Mathiasen
Paediatric Oncology Laboratory and Eye Clinic Rigshospitalet-Glostrup
Contact information
Regulatory mechanisms in Diffuse Infiltrating Pons Gliomas
Research field: In Vitro models (cell cultures), RNA regulation in DIPG, epigenetic regulation, screening models for drugs. Pilot studies for the establishment of Patient derived xenograft (mouse models).
1) Functional analysis of DNA damage signalling pathways and selected DNA repair pathway in paediatric H3K27M mutant and H3K27 wild-type gliomas has been performed. Further investigation of the activation of DDR with and without ionising radiation needs to be included as well as a microscopy-based quantification of foci formation to see the broader picture.
A drug screening using the CNS-permeable drug library for radiosensitivity of H3K27M-mutated paediatric gliomas has been performed. This objective was split into two sub-objectives A (CNS drug screen) and B (drug validation and in vivo assessment). This has been finalised.
Supervisor / Partners
René Mathiasen
Contact information
European study of cerebellar mutism syndrome (CMS) in children with posterior fossa tumors
Prospective clinical study that follows children after tumor surgery in the cerebellum, and which examines which children are affected by muteness, balance and coordination difficulties, paralysis and emotional disturbances - cerebellar mutism syndrome
Supervisor / Partners
Aske Foldbjerg Laustsen, doctor, PhD student
Marianne Juhler, Kjeld Schmiegelow, René Mathiasen, Astrid Marie Sehested and Jonathan Kjær Grønbæk
International multicenter study based on Rigshospitalet
Contact information
The diagnostic value of 18F-FET PET/MR in CNS tumors in children and adolescents
The project seeks to clarify the diagnostic value of 18F-FET PET/MR in CNS tumors in children and adolescents, including the modality's ability to differentiate residual tumor compared to MRI
Supervisor / Partners
Lisbeth Marner, MD, PhD, Clinic for Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Rigshospitalet
Astrid Sehested, Karsten Nysom, Helle Broholm, and others.
Clinic for Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Rigshospitalet
Contact information
Eye symptoms in children with brain cancer
Retrospective study of eye symptoms in children with brain tumours in the time leading up to diagnosis with the aim of earlier diagnosis
Supervisor / Partners
Sarah Linea von Holstein, PhD, Department Physician/post.doc Eye Clinic Rigshospitalet-Glostrup
René Mathiasen, Kamilla Nissen, Kjeld Schmiegelow,
Astrid Sehested, Peter Toft,
Steffen Heegaard
Eye Clinic Rigshospitalet-Glostrup
Contact information
Regulatory mechanisms in diffusely infiltrating pons gliomas (DIPG)
Investigation of the interaction between H3K27M mutation, replication stress and the DNA damage response in DIPG
Supervisor / Partners
Henriette Pedersen, PhD student, biomedicine
René Mathiasen, Petra Hamerlik, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Marja Jäättelä
The Danish Cancer Society, Brain Tumor Biology Group
Contact information
A Danish awareness campaign focusing on reducing time to diagnosis in children and adolescents with brain tumors
Supervisor / Partners
Kathrine Synne Weile, PhD student, 1st reserve physician in Clinical Oncology
Jeanette Falck Winther, Rene Mathiasen, Henrik Hasle and Louise Tram Henriksen
Children and Young People, Aarhus University Hospital and Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University
Contact information
Late effects after childhood brain tumour treatment
Supervisor / Partners
Anne Sophie Lind Helligsø, Medical Doctor, PhD Student
Jeanette Falck Winther, Henrik Hasle, Louise Tram Henriksen, Line Kenborg
Aarhus University - Aarhus University Hospital
Contact information
Establishment of cell lines and mouse models (patient-derived xenografts) from childhood brain tumors
Establishment of mouse models for the purpose of pre-clinical testing of drugs, among other things
Supervisor / Partners
Henriette Pedersen, PhD student, biomedicine
René Mathiasen, Petra Hamerlik, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Marja Jäättelä
Danish Cancer Society, The Brain Tumor Biology Group
Contact information
Cerebrospinal fluid in children with CNS malignancies
The project investigates with proteo- and glycomics specific properties of the cerebrospinal fluid during oncological conditions of the central nervous system in children and adolescents. The aim of the project is to develop the concept of liquid biopsy in paediatric neuro-oncology
Supervisor / Partners
Christian Mirian, Medical Doctor, PhD Student
René Mathiasen, Maria Thastrup, Matilda Degn Vinther, Ole Østergaard Kjeld Schmiegelow, Jesper Olsen
Paediatric Oncology Laboratory, Rigshospitalet; Neurosurgery Clinic, Rigshospitalet
Centre for Protein Research, Novo Nordisk Foundation, University of Copenhagen
Contact information
New medicine for children with cancer
Conduct trials of medicines for children and adolescents with cancer, with a special focus on diseases with no standard curative treatment
Supervisor / Partners
Karsten Nysom
Ruta Tuckuviene, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Henrik Hasle
Rigshospitalet, Department of Paediatrics, section 5002
Contact information
Characterisation of the innate metabolome in children with CNS tumours
The project seeks to determine whether the innate metabolome in the peripheral blood of children who develop CNS tumours differs from that of healthy controls, and to what extent it can be used as a screening method or prognostic marker in a given case.
Supervisor / Partners
Jon Foss-Skiftresvik, 1st resident in neurosurgery, PhD Student
Madeleine Ernst, René Mathiasen
Department of Congenital Diseases, Statens Serum Institut; Paediatric Oncology Laboratory, Rigshospitalet; Neurosurgery Clinic, Rigshospitalet
Contact information
Automated mapping of CNS tumours in children
Automatic mapping of CNS tumours using artificial intelligence trained with expert mapping will ease the workload for doctors and standardise the mapping process for the benefit of patients.
Supervisor / Partners
Claes Nøhr Ladefoged, MSc, PhD
Flemming Littrup Andersen, Lise Borgwardt, Lisbeth Marner, Ian Law
Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine & PET, Rigshospitalet
Contact information
Identifying prognostic biomarkers in CNS tumours in children
Artificial intelligence for decision support in paediatric cancer patients by investigating the correlation between multi-parametric MRI and PET and diagnosis.
Supervisor / Partners
Claes Nøhr Ladefoged, MSc, PhD
Flemming Littrup Andersen, Lise Borgwardt, Lisbeth Marner, Ian Law
Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine & PET, Rigshospitalet
Contact information
Ultra-low-dose PET studies of children
The project will use artificial intelligence to post-process PET scans taken at ultra-low dose, as these are very noisy. A lower radiation dose will minimise the risk of the scan to the child.
Supervisor / Partners
Michelle Fridlund, MSc, PhD Student
Claes Nøhr Ladefoged
Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine & PET, Rigshospitalet
Contact information
Surgical morbidity in children with brain tumours: A study on postoperative complications of tumour resection
Supervisor / Partners
Kasper Aamund Henriksen
Jon Foss-Skiftesvik, René Mathiasen / Jane Skjøth-Rasmussen, Gorm Von Oettingen
Contact information
Optimal treatment of hydrocephalus in children with posterior fossa tumours: external drain or endoscopic intervention?
Supervisor / Partners
Kasper Aamund Henriksen
Jon Foss-Skiftesvik, René Mathiasen / Jane Skjøth-Rasmussen, Gorm Von Oettingen
Contact information
Sleep disorders in children with CNS tumours
Sleep disorders in children treated for brain tumours (neurobiological markers of sleep disorders)
Supervisor / Partners
Line Pickerin, Medical Doctor, PhD student
Contact information
PET without CT for radiation dose reduction in paediatric examinations
The project will derive a synthetic CT image from the PET scan using artificial intelligence, eliminating the radiation dose associated with acquiring CT images.
Supervisor / Partners
Maria Montgomery, BSc student
Claes Nøhr Ladefoged, Flemming Littrup Andersen, Sune Darkner
Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine & PET, Rigshospitalet and Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
Contact information
Functional methods for evaluating vision in children with tumors of the central nervous system
Prospective clinical study that aims to investigate visual field and eye movements in healthy children and children with newly diagnosed CNS tumor using a new method called SONDA.
Supervisor / Partners
Anna Bøthun, doctor, PhD student
Miriam Kolko, Sarah Linea von Holstein, René Mathiasen, Barbara Nordhjem
Eye Clinic Rigshospitalet-Glostrup
Contact information
Protein, sugar and fat burning in children and adolescents before and after cancer treatment
The project will investigate protein, fat and sugar metabolism before and after treatment in children with brain tumours. We want to elucidate the metabolic consequences of the approximately 2-year treatment period the children undergo. By knowing the changes in fat, sugar and protein metabolism and the body's hormone response, we can optimise the nutritional status and quality of life of the children both during the course of the disease and in the long term.
Supervisor / Partners
Marie Mostue Naume, Medical Student, PhD Student
Mette Cathrine Ørngreen, René Mathiasen, Alfred Peter Born, Christina Engel Høi-Hansen, Thomas Krag, Maja Risager Nielsen, John Vissing, Gerrit Van Hall
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen Neuromuscular centre, section 8077 and Department of Paediatric Oncology, section 5054
Contact information
Biomarkers in pediatric chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
A clinical study investigating the potential for a reliable biomarker to assess both the risk of development and the severity of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. A task that, with current methods, is both difficult and resource-intensive.
Data collection has been completed and samples must be analyzed before data processing begins later in 2023.
Supervisor / Partners
Christian Bach Vase, Stud. Med., former scholar, Peter Erik Lotko Pontoppidan, Department physician, PhD, Rigshospitalet
René Mathiasen, Consultant, PhD, Rigshospitalet, Tore B. Stage, Professor, PhD, Cand.pharm, University of Southern Denmark
Paediatric Oncology Research Laboratory, Rigshospitalet., Department of Health Services Research, University of Southern Denmark
Contact information
Detection of circulating tumour DNA for advanced diagnostics and treatment monitoring in children with CNS tumours
The project investigates whether detection of circulating tumour DNA in cerebrospinal fluid in children with CNS tumours can be used for diagnostics, treatment monitoring and assessment of treatment effect.
Supervisor / Partners
Ronja Tügel Carstensen, MD, PhD student
Torben Stamm Mikkelsen, Lars Dyrskjøt, Katja von Hoff, Britt Elmedal Laursen
Children and Adolescents Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Molecular Medicine (MOMA) Aarhus University Hospital
Contact information
Platelet RNA for diagnosis and monitoring of brain tumours in children
Platelets accumulate RNA from tumours. It has been shown in adults that mapping mRNA content in platelets can map specific gene expression profiles and also identify certain genetic alterations in tumours. Thus, the method has the potential to make tumour biopsies redundant in some situations, as the molecular genetic diagnosis can be obtained from a blood sample.
For children with CNS tumours, we will map mRNA profiles in platelets in order to use it diagnostically.
Supervisor / Partners
Jakob Juul Sorensen, Medical Student
Mimi Kjærsgaard, Jonathan Kjær Grønbæk, Maria Rossing, René Mathiasen
Department of Paediatric Oncology and Genomic Medicine
Contact information
Nystagmus as a first symptom in children with primary brain tumours
The aim of the study is to investigate the diagnostic and prognostic significance of nystagmus as a symptom and/or clinical finding in children under 18 years of age diagnosed with brain tumours.
Supervisor / Partners
Jacqueline Gremaud Rosenberg
Sarah Linea von Holstein, Kjeld Schmiegelow, René Mathiasen
Paediatric Oncology Laboratory and Eye Clinic Rigshospitalet-Glostrup
Contact information
Growth hormone deficiency as a late effect of childhood brain tumour
A study of growth hormone deficiency as a late effect of treatment for childhood brain tumours.
Supervisor / Partners
Mette Marie Baunsgaard, Medical Student, Scholar
Anne Sophie Lind Helligsø, Niels Birkebæk, Henrik Hasle, Torben Stamm Mikkelsen, Louise Tram Henriksen.
Children and Youth Research, Aarhus University Hospital
Contact information
Ophthalmological manifestations in children <1 year diagnosed with a CNS tumor
The aim is to investigate the ophthalmological manifestations in infants diagnosed with a CNS tumor within the first year of life in order to reduce the time from first symptom to diagnosis.
Supervisor / Partners
Nathali Turanzas Jensen, Stud. Med.
Sarah Linea von Holstein, René Mathiasen, Kjeld Schmiegelow
Children's Oncology Laboratory and Eye Clinic, Rigshospitalet
Contact information
Nystagmus as a first symptom in children with primary brain tumours
The aim of the study is to investigate the diagnostic and prognostic significance of nystagmus as a symptom and/or clinical finding in children under 18 years of age diagnosed with brain tumours.
Supervisor / Partners
Jacqueline Gremaud Rosenberg, Medical Student, Scholar
Sarah Linea von Holstein, Kjeld Schmiegelow, René Mathiasen
Paediatric Oncology Laboratory and Eye Clinic Rigshospitalet-Glostrup
Contact information
Early eye symptoms in children with brain tumours
Retrospective study of early eye symptoms in children with brain tumours in the time leading up to diagnosis with the aim of earlier diagnosis
Supervisor / Partners
Jacob Christiansen, Medical Student, Scholar
Sarah Linea von Holstein, Kjeld Schmiegelow, René Mathiasen
Paediatric Oncology Research Laboratory and Eye Clinic Rigshospitalet-Glostrup
Contact information
Completed research projects
Genetic predisposition to the development of CNS tumors
The study seeks to investigate genetic predisposition for the development of CNS tumors in childhood through the use of a retrospective Danish cohort.
Supervisor / Partners
Jon Foss-Skiftesvik, 1st reserve doctor in neurosurgery, PhD student
Jonas Bybjerg-Grauholm, René Mathiasen, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Marianne Juhler
Department of Congenital Diseases and Neonatal Genetics, Statens Serum Institut; Children's oncology laboratory, Rigshospitalet; Neurosurgery Clinic, Rigshospitalet
Contact information
Infection risk associated with the need for liquor drainage in children with CNS tumours
The risk of infection in paediatric patients with intracranial tumours and external ventricular drainage or ventriculoperitoneal shunt
Supervisor / Partners
Anna Bøthun, Medical Student, Scholar
René Mathiasen, Jane Skjøth-Rasmussen, Nadja Hawwa Vissing, Jon Foss-Skiftesvik
Contact information
Neuropsychological testing in children with CNS tumours
Neuropsychological testing of children who have had a brain tumour, as well as psychological counselling for children and relatives. Is this done to a sufficient extent
Supervisor / Partners
Clara Emilie Bruun, Medical Student, Scholar
René Mathiasen, Jonathan Grønkjær
Contact information
Evaluation of MRI surveillance of children with brain tumours
Follow-up regimens for brain tumours and their value. Early identification of recurrence of brain tumours
Supervisor / Partners
Christoffer Storm Svendsen, Medical Student, Scholar
René Mathiasen, Astrid Marie Sehested, Jonathan Grønkjær
Contact information